The team behind Monerujo would like to say…
Monero (XMR) is a cryptocurrency just like Bitcoin, which you may have heard about. However, thanks to being developed afterwards, it has some features that make it very special. Monero is money you can receive and send over the internet.
The Monero network is made of thousands of interconnected computers. Each one has a identical copy of a list. That list says who owns which coin, but instead of having people’s names, it has long keys made out of numbers and letters.
This way, a single person can have lots of keys, and their name is never written anywhere. Creating one key is all that’s needed to have moneros.
To get keys, you just need a Monero wallet. There are different types of them that work on different devices, like a computer or a cellphone.
It’s better to choose one that is both free and open source. This way, we can ensure that many people use it, and that those with the knowledge to do so, can verify it works safely.
Monerujo is a wallet that has both characteristics.
It’s easy, you have to open the Google Playstore on your phone and search for Monerujo.
You can also get it by scanning this QR code with your phone:
Open Monerujo, you’ll be welcomed by a series of onboarding screens. Pay attention, they contain important information.
Once inside, your screen won’t show any wallet, so you’ll have to create one. To do so, touch this button [+]
You have 2 options:
A - If you want a brand new wallet that has never been used before.
B - If you want to restore a wallet that you or someone else created for you before.
Now that your wallet is ready, let’s see how to receive moneros in it. Remember the keys? Monerujo can use them to create lots of addresses to receive moneros. Think of each address as a mailbox that can only be opened with your key.
At the top, you’ll see a long chain of characters similar to this one: [MONERO ADDRESS] That’s your main Monero address. That’s what you have to give someone who wants to send you moneros so they reach you. (If you touch it, you’ll reach a screen where you can see and create more addresses. You can use any of them, they all lead to your same wallet)
Now that you have moneros, you can send them to another person, pay for a product or service, or even send them to yourself (for practice!). The keys that Monerujo stores, are the ones that allow you to authorize sending moneros from your wallet to another.
Once inside, you’ll see your current balance (it has to be more than 0 for you to send). Press the [GIVE] button.
Your wallet needs to communicate with a Monero node to be able to work. A node is one of those interconnected computers that have a copy of the transaction list. On the top section of the main screen, you can see the node that Monerujo will try to connect to as soon as you try to use a wallet. From time to time it may happen that a node has issues answering back, or does it too slowly. In this happens, what you have to do is touching the icon so Monerujo cycles through known nodes to find a more responsive one. See if it changes, and try to open your wallet again. Also, if you click on the node’s name, it will take you to a nodes screen. In case you run into problems finding new nodes, on the top right menu there’s an option called “Restore default nodes”. It will do just that.
Just like the mnemonic seed allows you to recreate your own wallet in case you lose your phone (for example), it also allows anyone with it to do just the same, and receive and send your moneros. Please, keep it secret (so it doesn’t get stolen) and safe (so you don’t lose it).
You can write to us and we’ll try to help. These are our channels: